Friday, December 5, 2008

101 Paying Markets For Freelance Writers

You want to showcase your writing skills to the world and be paid for it. Experts agree that the best and easiest way to do this is to write nonfiction materials. You can write about personal stories and essays.
Whatever your writing talent is, the challenge is in getting a market that will readily pay you for your talent. You certainly don’t just want to write for the fun of it.
This guide is a step-by-step exposition of 101 paying markets for freelance writers.

This is the global remote job service provider. With your writing skills, you can sign up with an account free and follow the simple biodata processes.
This organization links you with buyers of your service who will give you assignments to do for them at an agreed price. There is a 1% commission for odesk in any transaction.
You will need a U.S. address to be able to benefit from this service due to certain US law restrictions.

Craiglist is a dependable resource center for freelance writers. You will get job
opportunities you can apply for and get decent payment. Take time explore relevant categories that suit your talent.

3. Christian Science Monitor: This is a favourite place for essayists. If you are just starting out, this is a highly recommended place for you to break in with soul touching personal stories. Christian science monitor is a world famous American newspaper that seeks upbeat, personal essays from 300-900 words. They currently accepts travel, parenting and seasonal essays. Payment is between $75-$160 on publication. Guidelines for contributors is found here:

4. Chronogram: This organization accepts insightful first person essays, short stories and poetry. If you are gifted in any of these areas why can’t you give it a shot? It is about expressing your thoughts for others to read. Payment is on a sliding scale based on a contract between editor and the writer. Find guidelines here:

5. Newsweek: Original essays are published in the ‘My Turn’ section of this publication. Personal expression in essays are highly encouraged with a word count of between 850-900 words. Payment has been described as $500-$1000 by related sites. Annual essay contest is available that awards $5000 to the first prize winner. Find guidelines here:

6. Creative Non-Fiction: This site is entirely devoted to non-fiction, essay writers and personal story-tellers. Payment is $10 per printed page. Guidelines are available at

7. Marriage Partnership: This is a Christian site on marriage which solicits first-person narratives for their various sections. It is important that writer first query before submitting any project. It is an unusual site for essays. Guidelines could be found here:

8. Underwired: This is a website dedicated to women issues. Personal essays 800-1200 words long for publication every month is encouraged. You will find a list of themes to write on as listed on the website. Make sure that your contributions relate to the themes. Payment is $100 for an essay. Guidelines:

9. A Cup Of Comfort: Uplifting true stories of between 1000-2000 words about the experiences and relationships that inspire and enrich our lives. Payment on publication for top-prize awarded is $500 per volume and $100 each for all other stories. You’ll also be given a copy of the book where your write up is published. For guidelines, see

10. Angels On Earth: First-person true stories about people who have been positively affected in some dramatic way are accepted. Payment is between $100-$400 for full length narratives. Shorter stories attract between $25-$100. Guidelines available at

11. New England Review: Accepts fiction, poetry and non-fiction works. It is 100% freelance. Well know for its commitment to new writers, this 25 years experienced tabloid pays $10 per page on publication. Guidelines for authors available online at

12. Pen Press: Publishes poetry, original fiction and adult mystery fiction work. Opportunities abound for new authors. Pay $500 on signing of contract. Guidelines available online at

13. The Rambler. This is a magazine of personal expression that includes in=depth interviews, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography and original artwork. It is 85% freelance and welcomes new authors. Writers can receive a sample copy form the website. Pays up to $50 for up to 8,000 words Guidelines available online at

14. Sourcebooks: A general trade publisher that publishes more than 280 books a year across a wide variety of categories such as nonfiction, fiction, romance, calendars and children books. Welcomes new authors. Payment varies depending on the project and category. Catalogues available online at

15. Child: Website: Writers guidelines online: ne/index.jsp#writers_guidelines
Pays: $1.00 to $1.50 per word. Buys All rights.Child magazine is the source for the latest news, trends and breakthroughs in child-rearing.Tip: "Child provides parents of children from birth to age 12 with the newest thinking, information, and advice they need to raise their families in a constantly changing, time-pressed world. Freelance writers are invited to submit query letters only, only the following topics: Children's health, parenting and marital relationship issues, child
behavior and development, and personal essays pertaining to family life."

16. EveryWriter
Every Writer is currently taking submissions for online content and newsletter. Please review the guidelines and editorial needs before querying or submitting. All submissions should be sent in the body of an email. Pay between $20 - $40 for one-time electronic rights. They provide all authors with a byline, bio, and a link to their other writing, book, or website where applicable. Guidelines can be found at:

17 Family Circle : Seeking articals on health, child care, relationships, finances and other matters of concern to today's family; as well as dramatic personal experiences. Magazine also seek photographic materials. More details available at

18 Parade 95% freelance written. Weekly magazine for a general interest audience. Pays on acceptance. Pays a minimum of $2500.
Contact: Parade Publications, Inc.711 Third Avenue New York,
NY 10017 Editor: Walter Anderson. More at

19. The Writer
A monthly magazine for writers, about writing.
Features how-to and inspirational articles on the writing of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's, & young adult literature. 90% of articles by freelance writers. Send query letter with clips. Include lead and outline of proposed article. Does not accept fiction.
Payment: varies depending on length, research required, & complexity of material covered. Generally runs: $50 for book reviews $300-500 for columns $350 to $800 for features Payment on acceptance
Submission Guidelines:

20. The Writer's Journal
The WRITERS’ Journal is a bimonthly magazine for writers, including professional communicators, self/independent publishers, part-time or full-time freelancers, screenwriters, desk-top publishers, authors, editors, teachers, and poets. Although most of the columns in the WRITERS’ Journal are staff-written, articles from freelance writers are always welcome. Complete manuscripts are acceptable, or query with clips first.
Submission Guidelines:'sGuidelines.htm

Lifestyle mag for women 25 to 45. Query with published clips or send complete manuscript of 900-2,000 words. Pays $350-900 for assigned articles; $250 for unsolicited articles. Accepts reprints. $200-400 for columns.

22. Women's Enews
Send query with resume and clips to Rita Henley Johnson, editor in chief. Accepts features (750 words for daily content; 900 words for cover stories). Pays minimum $300/article, on acceptance. Buys all rights. Guidelines available by e-mail. Web site:

23. Writer's Apprentice, USA
Attn: Tina L. Miller, 607 North Cleveland Street, Merrill, WI 54452, USA
Published by Prairie River Publishing. Contact: Tina L. Miller, Owner & Editor. Email:
The magazine for aspiring, beginning, and intermediate writers: 8-14 freelance submissions per issue. Non-Fiction: Articles on any aspect of writing for the beginning or intermediate writer, interviews with real working writers "like us". Pays $15-$50. Essays: for "The Writing Life" - Length 300-600 words. Pays $10-$25.
Guidelines: and

24. Writer's Digest Magazine
For manuscripts, we pay 30-50 cents per word, on acceptance, for first world rights for one-time use and non-commercial electronic use. Should we want to reprint anything we've purchased from you in other than electronic format, we'll pay you 25% of the original purchase price per use. Contributor copies are sent to writers and artists whose work appears in that issue.

25. Writer's Stew
Writer's Stew is an Ezine for Everything About Nothing
Payment:Meat and Potatoes--$10 per article or column
Biscuits or Bread--$5 per opinion piece
Pays on publication.

Length: 500-1000 wds. Pieces longer than 1000 wds may be accepted on rare occasions, but good, tightly written 500-1000 word pieces have a better chance of being bought. How-to-sell to specific markets, interviews with successful writers, new ways to make money as a writer, are some of the themes we want. If you have some information that will help writers earn more, we're interested in looking at your idea. Query first. We pay! Payment: $15 (not much yet, but as the
circulation rises, so will this!) We also consider reprints
of articles that have appeared in print. Payment: $10

We want articles on the business of writing, on writing skills and techniques, on reaching specific markets, on writing for particular genres, etc.Original articles: .05 per word Reprints: $20 per article
Accepts attachments Send query or completed article to


Catalyst Book Press is seeking literary essays telling personal stories of adoption, open adoption, birth parent connections, the adoption triad, and unification with children after closed adoption for an anthology for and about birth parents. Authors of accepted essays will receive
$50 for their stories and one copy of the publication. Submissions can be sent by August 15, 2009.
Guidelines available here:

With information, contests, and fun for both parents and kids, What's Up Kids is an interactive magazine that families can participate in together. Canadian writers only.
Guidelines available here:

You&Me America's Medical Magazine seeks non-fiction articles, perferably from a first-person perspective, about the human aspects of dealing with all medical
issues, from the life threatening to the chronic to the so-called "trivial." We do not want all happy endings or all sad endings- and we invite articles dealing with end-of-life issues from a first person or close family perspective. We can use some health-care provider prospectives, poetry and expressionistic pieces, and
cartoons. We do not want or use informational articles.
We buy one-time rights or reprints rights for electronic rights as both parties find agreeable. Pays around five cents/word. Guidelines available;

If you will like to write articles that are approximately 300-750 words in length using certain online tools that guides you through the article creation process and get paid to do so, Bright Hub gives you the opportunity to build your online reputation and pays $10 for an article with the prospects of future revenue sharing. Guidelines could be found on this link

32. Ephemera Buttons, Magnets and Stickers, P.O. Box 490, Phoenix, OR 97535. Email: Website: Contact: Ed Polish. "Wholesale novelty company." 95% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds 2-5 months. For sample see website or send $4 for printed version of catalog. Guidelines online at
CURRENT NEEDS: "Funny slogans for buttons, magnets and stickers. Pays $50 per slogan. Short slogans are best. Submitting by email is best, but regular mail is OK (include SASE)."
HINTS: "Be as original, weird, off-the-wall funny, rude as you can be!"

33. Freelance Market News, Sevendale House, 7 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 1JB United Kingdom. P(0161)228-2362, ext. 210. F(0161)228-3533. Email: Website: Angela Cox, Editor. 25% freelance. "Provides details of markets for freelance writers plus competition news, editorial changes, a monthly article on writing-related topics plus letters page and readers' competition with £50 prize." Welcomes new writers. Monthly (except for July). Pays on publication. Publishes ms 2-3 months after acceptance. Buys one-time print rights. Responds less than one month. Sample on request. Subscription £29. Guidelines online at and
CURRENT NEEDS: "Details of paying markets or articles (700-1400 words) on various aspects of writing professionally." Pays £40 per 1000 words for market notes and £50 per 1000 words for articles. Submit complete ms by email or by mail with SASE/IRC.
HINTS: "If you send us market notes they must not be 'lifted' from another publication! They must include the editor's name, the publication's requirements and how much they pay. We do not want details of markets that do not pay. For articles, bear in mind that all our readers are also writers so don't state the obvious or give facts that are too basic."

34. ISLANDS, 460 N. Orlando Ave., Suite 200, Winter Park, FL 32789.P(407)628-4802. Email: Website: Eddy Patricelli, Editor in Chief (Features /DISCOVER shorts, Departments: Taste and Travel Tales); Adrienne Egolf, Associate Editor (DISCOVER items; Taste; Travel Tales); Matthew Miller, Features Editor (Primarily Features). Large percentage of freelance contributions. Welcomes new writers, "particularly in DISCOVER." Circ. 250K. 8 issues/year. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Rights purchased vary. No reprints. Responds ASAP. Sample issue on most newsstands. Subscription $24; $36 Canada; $40 other. Guidelines by email. Abbreviated version online at
CURRENT NEEDS: "We are actively searching for items for our front of the book, DISCOVER, season-specific ideas for the DISCOVER Go Now section, and departments: Taste and Travel Tales (these run 800-1000 words). We pay from $0.50-$1 per word for DISCOVER Opener, Travel Tales, Taste and features. We pay a flat rate from $40-$100 for DISCOVER items ranging from 75-200 words." Article lengths in general: DISCOVER freelance items - 75-200 words; Taste - 800-1000 words; Adventures - 800-1000 words; Features - 2500 words "If we do not already know your work, please send a letter of introduction by email along with your clips (by email or by post) along with some ideas so that we'll know if you have a feel for our magazine."
PHOTOS/ART: "Art is very important. We do not expect writers to provide the artwork themselves, but it is very helpful if they can provide sources and leads."
HINTS: "A writer should know the format and voice of the publication. They should pitch story ideas as though they themselves are a member of the edit staff and are pitching at a story meeting. They should know exactly how and where their idea fits into the magazine."

35. ITALIAN AMERICA MAGAZINE, 219 E Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. P(202)547-2900. F(202)547-1492. Email: Website: Dona De Sanctis, Editor. 20% freelance. "News, history, traditions, of Italian Americans living and dead." Welcomes new writers. Circulation 65K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds
within two weeks. Subscription $20 in the U.S.; $25 other. Guidelines online at
CURRENT NEEDS: Queries. Pays $250 per story and graphics. Stories are 750-1000
words. Submit by email.
PHOTOS/ART: Discussed with writer on assignment.
HINTS: " stories about your grandmother's tomato sauce...or family Immigrant stories, memoirs or trips to Italy."

36. Missouri Life, 515 E. Morgan St., Boonville, MO 65233. P(660)882-9898. F(660)882-9899. Email: Website: Rebecca French Smith, Managing Editor. 80-85% freelance. "Missouri Life's mission is to explore and celebrate the people, places, history, and destinations that make our state unique. In every issue, we strive to surprise and delight readers with something they may not have known about Missouri. We accomplish this with insightful, exciting stories, dramatic visual presentation, and bold, colorful photography." Welcomes new writers. Bi-monthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Responds 6-8 weeks. Sample available by email. Subscription $21.99. Guidelines online at
CURRENT NEEDS: "Coverage of northern and southeastern Missouri." Pays $0.20/word for features depending on length and department. "Submit query with cover letter, possible sources and article outline. Complete manuscripts submitted on speculation are also accepted."
PHOTOS/ART: Must be "300 ppi at 8 x11. Pays $50 for single photos in departments; larger packages negotiated.

37. Naturegraph Publishers, P.O. Box 1047, Happy Camp, CA 96039. Website: Barbara Brown, Managing Editor. "Adult, non-fiction titles on natural history and Native American, well researched. No fiction, poetry or childen's books." Publishes average of 2 titles/year. Welcomes new writers. Average first print run is 2500. No advance. Publishes book approximately 12-18 months after acceptance. Responds within one month. Email for information on receiving a catalogue; most information appears on the website. Guidelines online at
CURRENT NEEDS: Book proposals. Payment is annually with royalties. "Can't be smaller than a 48-page book or larger than 300 pages including all illustrations, photos, front and end matter. Our books are 5 1/2 x 8 1/2", with 3/4" margin on all four sides of the page." Submit proposal letter by mail with SASE.
HINTS: "Worst thing is to send work not suited to our company, so they need to
research Naturegraph and be sure what they plan to contribute is appropriate, and not waste both our time and theirs." Subscription $25; $27 Canada; $50 overseas. Payment for cover art is $100.

38. Writers Wanted-Academic Consulting International Calling
I would not have been pleased if I had left out this paying market for writers. Since I have been reporting on freelance paying opportunities for writers, I have never come across an institution so detailed about its need for writers and the guidelines to qualify as a beneficiary of their service.
Academic Consulting International is a company based in San Fransisco and it provides educationally related consulting, research and editorial services. Its client base is global including students, faculty and administrators.
As a result of its highly elaborate network of clients ACI is in constant need of freelance writers to be involved in the production of models for educational programs which is aimed at providing standards for students to follow.
Projects you will work with is centered around topics found in college and graduate school levels. Special areas of interest include business, humanities and social sciences.
If you are well grounded in accounting, computer programming, economics, engineering, finance, mathematics and any of the physical sciences, this is a great opportunity for you.
To qualify for this paying market, you must pay attention to the following requirements:
· Diverse interests with a broad range of knowledge i.e. versatile ability
· Able to provide writing samples to meet the organization’s style
· Willing to set aside personal ideological orientations
· Capable of following directions closely
· Capable of writing quickly
· Detailed oriented
· Capable of producing error-free copy
· Pleasant and professional in attitude
· Absolutely reliable in terms of meeting deadlines

In addition, you should be able to have the following tools
· Your own fax machine or fax system
· Easy access to email from home
· Borrowing priviledge at a minimum of one large college or university library
· Facility with online research and use of Internet resources
· Home or office access to a serious online academic database such as info Trac or EBSCO

Compensation is usually awarded on a per page basis counting at approximately 250 words per page. Average compensation is $20 per page. You will be paid promptly upon completion of assignment.
Find details here

39. 38. Method Shop
Are you a starving writer? Why not earn some extra cash and write articles for us? We are looking for reviews, tutorials, humor and lifestyle articles relating to the iPod, Palm Pilot or just general technology.
We pay ~$20-$200 (or more) per article or piece depending on depth and quality of content. Writers also get free eval products for reviews they write.
Interested parties should do the following:
1) Join our Writers Mailing List. We will send you an email when something comes up.
2) Send us sample work and article ideas
More guidelines at

40. Freelancers-wanted
We are currently seeking a number of writers whose task will be to write articles that typically range from 250-1000 words, on a variety of topics.
These articles are simple to write. Here's a couple of sample articles to review: How The Atkins Diet Works or Children with Epilepsy.
As you can see, the articles listed above are informative and easy to read.
Compensation for each completed and accepted article is $0.025 US per word.
We provide the concept for each article (Ex: "History Of Satellite TV" and/or "How Satellite TV Works"). You Are required to research, write and submit the article to us by e-mail as a text-based file (Ex: Notepad).
Compensation for completed and accepted articles is paid on completion.
To manage the relationship between our writers and ourlselves we and their management interface. Details available at

Y'all is the Magazine of Southern People®. Its unprecedented
editorial mix of music, sports, movies, politics and more
captures today's Southern spirit. Celebrities and extraordinary
ordinary Southerners remind us of the beauty, pride, uniqueness
and warmth of the South and its personalities. Queries must
be on or about Southern celebrities or extraordinary ordinary
Southerners, or elements of Southern culture. Pays 15 cents/
For guidelines, go to

Family Chronicle is based in Toronto, Canada. However,
over 90 percent of the circulation is in the US with
the balance in Canada. Payment varies: however, it is
not less than US$55 per page and the average is considerably
higher. Our average article is 2,000 words but rarely they
are up to 7,000 words. We wish we had more submissions of
7-800 words (with a picture this is a page) - if the
information is useful and well presented, an article of
this length is likely to be accepted. Details about guidelines available at

Pseudopod is a genre magazine in audio form. We're
looking for horror: dark, weird fiction. We run the
spectrum from grim realism or crime drama, to magic-
realism, to blatantly supernatural dark fantasy. We
publish highly literary stories reminiscent of Poe or
Lovecraft as well as vulgar shock-value pulp fiction.
Short Fiction is the heart of our weekly podcast. We
want short stories between about 2,000 and 6,000 words;
we are quite hesitant to produce stories any longer than
that. We sometimes podcast short five-to-ten minute "bonus"
pieces between our weekly main episodes. For this we're
looking at fiction under 1,500 words, with a sweet spot
between 500 and 1,000 words. Pays is $20-$50. Find guidelines at

We will buy global, electronic and internet rights in
all languages as well as future anthology rights. You may
not resell your story before it is published in Love
Stories Magazine. After you sign the release we will
issue a payment of $50 US - $75 US to you ON PUBLICATION
along with complementary copies of the magazine.

Details available at

A job bank for writers. More than 1000 jobs are listed in this site for
writers who can dig in to scout for jobs. Categories include:
* Freelance journalism jobs
* Freelance technical writing jobs
* Freelance research jobs
* Freelance reviews jobs
*Freelance resume writing jobs
* Freelance screen writing jobs
* Freelance entertainment writing jobs
* Freelance content writingjobs etc.

More details available at

46. Boise Family Magazine
A monthly magazine established in 1993 with a circulation of 18,000. It is a free parenting and family for Boise, Idahoand outlying communities. Liz Buckingham is the editor and could be contacted by email:
You can find more on how much this market pays at the guidelines here

47. Christian Families Online
An online magazine that strives to encourage Christian families as they face today's cahllenges. Its voice is on of moderate conservatism and its articles have a foundation in biblical principles. Accepts submission email and pays $10 to $15 per 300-500 words article.
Guidelines available at

Needs: We look for how-to articles on issues pertaining to writing, profiles of successful writers, and general features that help writers improve their craft. We do seek interviews with authors, editors, and publishers, but we do most of these in-house. However, if you have a great interview, please feel free to query us. We love articles on controversial topics and those that make writers think outside the box! We also look for advice from experts on issues pertaining to writing, and general interest newsy pieces. We rarely accept essays, unless one just blows us away. Reprints are accepted. Please state in your query or submission if your article/interview is a reprint, and where & when it was last published.'
This market pays $20-$50 per article. Repring pays $10-$20
Guidelines available at

Targets an audience that includes the person with a dream of becoming his or her own boss, and the individual who wants to supplement his or her regular income with money-making, work-from-home opportunities.
Go to for more info

CAPPER'S is a nationally distributed monthly tabloid publication with a national paid circulation of approximately 200,000. It emphasizes home and family to readers who live mainly in the rural Midwest.

CAPPER'S purchases shared rights, which grants the publisher the right to publish or republish the work in any form in any country, at any time. The author agrees not to publish the work in any other media for a period ending one year after the date of the issue in which the work initially appears. After this period, the author retains the right to republish the work in any form.

CAPPER'S uses historical, inspirational, nostalgic, family-oriented, travel and human-interest stories; unusual accomplishments, collections, occupations, hobbies, etc. Approximately 75 manuscripts are purchased annually (not including Heart of the Home). Use journalistic style. Payment is made upon publication at the rate of approximately $2.50 per printed inch. Length: 700 words maximum. Good quality accompanying photos considered.

Guidelines available at

A Christian denominational publisher owned and operated by the
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Each year, Pacific Press book
division publishes 35 to 40 new English book titles and 5 to 10
Spanish titles. Pays advance of $1,500 and royalties of 12% to 16%
of wholesale price. Guidelines:

Official Magazine of the American Canoe Association. Covers
whitewater, flatwater, canoeing, sea kayaking, rafting,
sit-on-tops etc. Pays $0.25 to $0.35 per word. Guidelines:

Quarterly journal devoted to the exploration of the quest for
meaning as it is expressed in the world's myths, symbols, and
religious traditions, with particular emphasis on the relationship
between this store of wisdom and our modern life. Pays $150 to $400
for articles of 1,000 to 3,000 words.

Greeting card publisher. Accepting artwork and copywriter's
submissions for humourous and traditional cards for almost every
occasion from "New Baby" to "With Sympathy", for all the
"milestone" birthdays and for all the family. And of course,
Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Valentine's Day.

For over 30 years, Canadian photography amateurs and professionals
have turned to Photo Life as a partner in furthering their
photographic skills.

Publishes feature stories, travel and accommodation information and
maps on Phuket and the surrounding Andaman region. Published 9
times per year. Paying market.

57. African American Review
This is an official publication of the Division of the Black American literature and Culture of the Modern Language Association.
The publication is quarterly and promotes a lively exchange among writers in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Pays on publication.
Your write up on acceptance will be published after 1 year. Being a 100% freelance publication, you stand the chance to break into this market and make good money.
You stand to earn $40-$80 per 4000-8000 words long article
Find guidelines at

58. Vestal Review
This paying market is a flash fiction magazine based in New York and 100% freelance.
Accepted stories are not more than 500 words long and pays between 5-10 cents per word.
Stories are published 6 months after acceptance. You can be paid $25 flat rate for brilliant stories.
You can send querries by email. Find guidelines at

59. Wikinvest
This is an investment website that focuses on publicly traded companies and issues that will interest individual investors. It plans to be the world's investment portal in the nearest future.
Current needs include articles on the following topics:
* A guide on how to invest
*Definitions on finance and investing terms
* How to invest in particular markets and others
Pays $100 per article. Article runs 800-1200 words.
Find guidelines at

60. The Writer's Eye Magazine
This is a bi-monthly publication with high interest in artistic integration.
Current needs are fiction stories, book reviews and poetry.
Do not submit without reading the guidelines.
Find guidelines at

Pays $25 - $200. Cruising stories and experiences. Discuss
particular harbors or short stories about funny things boaters
do. Uses important news items. A column about cruising with
children and another about sailing with pets. Features involve
the cruising lifestyle and adventures as well as detailed
discussion and photos about a particular vessel.

FellowScript is the newsletter of InScribe Christian
Writers' Fellowship, one of Canada's largest organizations
for Christians who write. Two and one-half cents/word
(Canadian funds) for first rights, or one and one-half cents
/word for reprint rights, paid on publication. Reviews/fillers
100-500 words: $5. If we publish an article, with author's
permission, in our online electronic version, an additional
one-half cent /word will be added. The article will appear
online for a period of no more than three months. We pay one
copy or one tear sheet for short fillers and tips.
Publication Deadlines: January 1, April 1, July 1, and
October 1.

--- started as a nationally circulated
magazine for early childhood professionals and teachers of
young children, infants to age eight, homeschooling parents
and others. Strictly online.

Our readers are already motivated to teach art. What they're
looking for is an exchange of professional experiences,
advice and fresh ideas. Write thoughtfully and clearly to
express the values, motivations, resources, aesthetic content
and art learnings, as well as the "how-to" of your topic.
Aim for a length of 500-1,500 words.

Apogee Photo is interested in providing an electronic
forum for high quality work from photographic writers
and photographers. We will accept articles up to 2,500
words on any photographic subject geared towards the
beginning to advanced photographer. Articles must have at
least 3-4 photographs accompanying them. We will pay 10
cents/word for previously unpublished works (up to $150)
and 3 cents/word for reprints. This amount includes usage
of any photographs accompanying the article.

A 12-page monthly newsletter in two sections reporting
on the marketplace for children's writing--books, articles,
stories, plays, activities, and more. Current news, trends,
tips, how to write to publish. Audience is beginning to
well-established professional writers interested in
learning more and keeping up-to-date on writing for children,
selling their writing, and the juvenile publishing industry.
Pays $200-$300.

We're also happy to accept copywriter's submissions
for humourous and traditional cards. We make cards for
just about every occasion from "New Baby" to "With
Sympathy", for all the "milestone" birthdays and for
all the family. And of course, we also make cards for
Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day and
Valentine's Day.

Persimmon Hill magazine, the National Cowboy & Western Heritage
Museum's award-winning journal on the West. Historical and
contemporary articles on notable persons connected with
pioneering the American West, Western art, rodeo, cowboys,
Western flora, animal life or other phenomena of the West of
today or yesterday. Articles must be historically accurate.
Sources must be documented. We require lively, top-notch
writing. Length: no more than 1,500 words. Pay ranges from
$100 to $250, including photographs.

Location Washington DC
W*USA 9 News in Washington, DC is looking for experienced
freelance writers to help launch a new local entertainment
site aimed at 21-to-34-year-olds. Writers will visit and
then generate 50-70 word descriptions of the best DC bars,
clubs, restaurants, and more, as assigned. There will
also be opportunities to write longer feature stories
about fun things to do in the area.


Law and Order pays by the word: $0.10 per word to officers;
$0.15 per word to freelance journalists; and $0.25 per word
to regular contributors. Manuscripts are to be between 1,800
and 2,400 words. The goal of Law and Order is to inform, rather
than to entertain. The purpose is to improve police operations
in the widest sense.

Toward Freedom is no longer a print publication. We only
publish online. Four articles are posted on our website a
week, from Monday to Thursday. 'We welcome your queries and
tips on important stories'. Toward Freedom envisions a world
ethic that honors the human spirit and the right of individuals
to freedom of thought and creativity; advances movements for
human rights, peace, justice, enlightenment, and freedom from
oppression; and celebrates the contributions of the world's
diverse cultures.

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