Friday, April 17, 2009

111 Rare Paying Markets No One Has Ever Shared With You

Trust me. I have committed myself to removing every obstacle before you that can prevent you from having the information that will give you the desired break in your freelance writing career.
Over the time I have been researching on paying markets for freelance writers, I have met with writers online who are selfless and their example has been my motivation not to hold anything back from you whenever I discover them.
This article could not have been possible if the off-network signal regime I had suffered from my provider has persisted since the past few days. It could be very discouraging not being online to do what you want to do and serve your fans the way you had always wanted. Anyway, I have refused to be deterred.
My determination has eventually paid off. These one hundred and eleven (111) paying markets for writers whether high or low paying market will definitely thrill you.

You will wonder why you have never been told about them before. As usual, my advice to you is that you should try to access these resources because there is power in taking action.
In order to help you follow through so easily, I have gotten one of my online expert on paying markets-Glenda Shoonmaker to list them out categorically and here is what she came up with:

A Writing Place
Extensive compilation of all sorts of publications' submissions guidelines.

AcqWeb offers an international directory of e-mail addresses of publishers, vendors and related professional resources for writers.

Alphabetical List of Paying Markets
Get links to more than 600 paying markets...

American Magazines
Current list of American general, business and trade magazines from Peter's Place of Freelance Journalism.

Arts Deadlines List
Good list of announcements - like calls for submissions and contests - some for writers.

Arts Publications
Search for magazines, ezines, journals, catalogues, and newsletters alphabetically or by sub genre.

Australian Electronic Journals
Listing of more than 1,000 Australian electronic journals and magazines.

Good listing of details and links to "Goblin Markets."

BMI Online Magazines
List of smaller magazines (many are non-paying markets).

Brint Magazine List
Comprehensive list of business journals, print and electronic publications, international newspapers, and more.

Canadian Magazine Links
Good list from Peter's Place of Freelance Journalism.

CALLIHOO Newsletter
Features list of Science Fiction and Fantasy market guidelines from May 2002 to present (which appears to be October 2002).

Calls for Papers
Lists postings from academic anthologies and journals looking for works.

Children's Writers Marketplace
Site offers a magazine market list from one published author's own writing card file.

Christian Writer's Market Guide
The 2003 Edition lists more than 660 periodical markets, about 380 book markets, 120 greeting card/specialty markets and almost 250 poetry markets.

Christian Poet's Markets
Provides links to 52 publications of interest to Christian poets who wish to market their poetry.

Christian Writer's Guidelines and Markets at Snowfaux
Provides almost 300 periodicals with working links to on-line Christian writer's guidelines.

Consumer Magazines and E-Zines
Find links to various magazine and ezine sites that hire freelance writers from absolutewrite.

Core List of Journals for Women's Studies
The Association of College & Research Libraries, Women's Studies Section compiles this list.

This is "The Online Market Guide for Horror Writers."

Duotrope's Digest

Features a database of over 1375 current markets for short fiction and poetry.

Electronic Publications
List of mystery ezine markets from the Mysterious Home Page.

Engen's Science Fiction & Fantasy Market Search Engine
Searchable database of markets for Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers.

English-language Media in Spain
This site from Freelance Spain has links to media publications and outlets in Spain.

Exclusive "Quick Cash Writing" Course:
Read as best-selling author Nick Daws exposes the little-known writing markets that will pay big bucks for just five minutes work.
Click HERE to learn more.

Fiction Factor
Site provides good listing of paying fiction and nonfiction markets.

Free directory, contest listings and much more for writers online.

List of markets accepting submissions.

Gebbie Press
Only lists links directly to magazine publishers online (not actual submission guidelines).

Guide to on-line guidelines
See who is accepting submissions for what types of writing and where they're located on the Web.

Growing list of submission guidelines from the organizedwriter.

Guidelines from Writer's Digest
Collection of top 100 places to get published.

IIAV - Online periodicals
The International Information Centre and Archives of the Women's Movement (IIAV) in Amsterdam is building a digital archive including a database of online periodicals.

Index of Online Fiction
Index listing e-zines that pay their authors at least about $0.01/word, are currently in business, and are known to be writer-friendly...

Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau
Offers large collection of UK markets for fiction and nonfiction.

Oyster Boy Review of Fiction & Poetry lists Academic, Independent and "Big Guns."

A comprehensive list of literary journals with an online presence.'s magazine writers information center
Frequently updated list of links to Children's magazine guidelines.

Life Writers Market Watch
Brief list of calls for submissions with detailed information.

Literary Journals
Great listing of links to literary journals with detailed information.

Literary Magazines
Long list of links to literary magazine websites from the Nebraska Center for Writers.

Good guide to literary magazines.

LitRefs: Submission Guidelines
This site has hundreds of links to both online and paper magazines with a focus on poetry publications. The majority of the publications are located in the UK.

Magazines & Small Venues
Lists paying and non-paying markets for writers of Science Fiction Romance.

Magazines Page
Long list of magazines from the Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide (not updated since September 2001).

Magazine Markets
List of more than 40 children's magazine markets.

Magazine Guidelines Database provides extensive resource for writing guidelines.

Magazines & Newsletters
Links to mystery magazine markets from the Mysterious Home Page.

Market Information

Good list of contests and market information for songwriters from The Muse's Muse.

Market List

Brief list from - where writers and readers meet.

Market Table
List of short fiction markets (except anthologies) that pay 1 cent per word or more for science fiction, fantasy and/or horror stories. (Last updated April 2000.)


Lengthy list of websites featuring markets from - The portal for writers and authors.

List of markets from chopeclark - publisher of "Fundsforwriters."

Markets for Writers
Brief listing of writing markets.

Markets for Writers
List of primarily Canadian markets, with some U.S. magazines also.

Markets for Science Fiction and Fantasy
Good list of markets and links to related resources from Julia West, Fantasy and Science Fiction author.

Markets from Writelink
Good list of markets - updated monthly.

Market Information
List of links to markets that publish Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.

Markets Online
Extensive list of links to freelance writing markets.

Mary Wolf's Guide to Electronic Publishers
Helpful list of book length publishers, short story, online and ezine publishers as well.

Lists links to screenwriting contests & markets for writers online.

News, Markets of Interest to Writers
Great list of Free postings and offers more postings if you pay to become a member.

Online Journals
An extensive list of online literary journals with content only to be found on the web. Hypertext, radical prose, experimental poetry, and good old narrative.

Papers Invited
Comprehensive listing of calls for papers from professional bodies, universities, journal editors and conference organizers.

Paying Ezine Markets
Good list of details and links to paying ezine markets for speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstream, and mystery fiction writers online from Bonnie Mercure.

Paying Markets
Good list of paying Science Fiction markets from scifieditor.

Paying Markets
Good list of detailed submission information and links to paying markets for writers.

Paying Markets list of markets - not a lot of current postings.

Paying Markets for Writers of Fiction
Lists some online databases featuring writers guidelines, as well as numerous links to publications seeking fiction submissions.

Paying Markets from Writer´s Weekly
Submit your writing to publications that pay.

Paying Print Markets
Extensive list of details and links to paying print markets for speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstream, and mystery fiction from Bonnie Mercure.

places for writers

Resources for Canadian (and international) writers, updated daily with contests, calls for submission, and other writerly tidbits.

Poetry Links
Extensive list of links to poetry pages with submission guidelines - emphasis is on print journals and University publications.

Extensive listings of Canadian and US markets for poetry.

Poetry Markets
Site lists recent calls for manuscripts.

Poetry Publishers Who Accept Email Submissions
Site lists the email addresses for editors of journals which publish poetry and are willing to accept submissions by email.

Publishers Directory
List of close to 200 children's book and magazine publishers.

Site offers a searchable database of more than 150,000 magazines, journals, newsletters, and other periodicals.

Brief list of literary publications.

Ralan's Webstravaganza
Extensive list of markets for novel, science fiction, humor writers and more.

Random House
Comprehensive list of magazines and journals that publish short stories.

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Magazine Markets
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America provides links to various paying publications.

Science Fiction and Fantasy - Paying Markets
Good list of paying markets for writers of science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, and horror.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Resource Network
More than 100 links to webzines related to Fantasy and Science Fiction.

SFF Net: Ezines and Rags
Paying and nonpaying electronic markets.

Specficworld's Market Resources
Good list of markets mainly for speculative fiction writers.

Spicy Green Iguana
More than 200 links to SF, fantasy, and horror magazine publications.

The Colossal Directory of Children's Publishers Online
Comprehensive, alphabetical listings of children's magazines and book publishers, with links to sites, submission guidelines and more.

The Market List
Searchable database of ezines, publishers and others seeking submissions in categories like science fiction, fantasy, horror and related poetry.

The Original Write Market
Good list of markets - categorized by Christian, Children's, Romance, Mystery and Sci-Fi.

The Rose & Thorn Writer's Market Info
Paying and non-paying market listings; links to other sites offering market listings.

The Writer's Directory
Excellent list of paying, non-paying and international short fiction and poetry publications.

Trade Magazines By Industry
Great list from Kendall Hanson.

Travel Writer's Marketplace
World's leading online place of business for travel writers, editors, photographers, broadcasters and PR professionals.

UK Fiction Markets
Sell Your Stories to UK Magazines!

UK Magazines
Lists various markets for writers.

West End Writers Club - Markets
Short list of markets for writers with details and links.

Women-Focused Magazines And Newsletters On The Web
This site from the University of Wisconsin-Madison has dozens of links.

Write Markets

Updated list of paying and non paying market listings for writers.

Writer's Guidelines Directory
Database of various markets searchable by categories.

Writer's Guidelines
Good list of links to publications with guidelines online from

Writers' Journal Announcements

Bulletin Board lists announcements of events, contests, or opportunities of interest to writers.

Writers Market Info

Good list of Christian markets from Revwriter - For Writers - On Writing & Publishing.

Writers Market

Paying freelance writing assignments by Michelle Dragalin.

Writers Markets
A list of marketplaces for science fiction, fantasy and horror writers to get their work published.

Writer' Markets
Extensive list of paying markets for writers of various genres from mystery and Sci-fi publications to Animals and Kids magazines with links to websites.

Writer's/Photographer's Guidelines
An American and Canadian listing of guideline links for writers and photographers.

Writers Wanted: Paying Markets
Online free forum lists posts of writers' guidelines from paying publications.

Writing Markets
Find more than 200 paying markets for writers - in categories like Christian publications, travel writing, computer, women's interests and more...

Writing Markets from SellWritingOnline
Database listing markets and contests for writers online.

Writing To Heal, Writing To Grow
Provides extensive list of markets for personal essay writing.

For quick access to these 111 paying markets, go to

Your comment on this article is welcome..

1 comment:

  1. may God shower you with favor and blessings.
